27.11.2022 993

On November 25 of this year, a seminar on “30 years of diplomatic relations and prospects for future cooperation” was organized on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.

The administration, academic personnel of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, members of the delegation led by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea Choi Young Sam, doctoral and bachelor’s students, learning Korean as the second language took part in this event.

Sodyq Safoev, First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Rector of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, noted in his speech that Uzbekistan values ​​consistent and reliable relations with the Republic of Korea, which is considered as a close friend and time-tested partner. “At the highest level, a close political dialogue was established between the parliaments, governments, and ministries of foreign affairs”, -  noted S. Safoev.

In turn, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, Choi Young Sam, emphasized that the relations between the countries are rapidly developing in the spirit of special strategic partnership in political, economic, cultural and many other fields. Mr. Choi also noted the high level of attention to Korean language and culture in Uzbekistan.

For information, diplomatic relations between Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea were established in January 1992.

Afterwards, a short exchange between the Korean delegation and students of UWED took place. Students got to welcome the guests and ask questions.

Then a seminar composed of 2 sessions began. The first session was held on the topic of Korean-Uzbek relations and development proposals. The speakers of the first session were Ko Jae-nam, director of the Eurasian Institute for Political Studies, former professor at the National Diplomatic Academy. “Today it is 30 years since we have been cooperating with the Republic of Uzbekistan and 85 years since the Koreans moved to Uzbekistan. I am honored to be here with you on such a significant day,” he noted.


Valeriy Khan Professor of the Department of Political Science, UWED briefly introduced the methodology of cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea. Lee Wook-heon, former Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Uzbekistan payed attention to several questions about economic innovation cooperation. The second session was on the theme of the of development of the Korean-Uzbek economic cooperation. The speaker Park Ji won, Korean Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (KORTA) noted that it is necessary to develop the structure of digitalization. Laylo Tashpulatova, Head of the Center for Sustainable Development of the Institute for Advanced International Studies delivered a speech on the Republic of Korea being a key trade and economic partner of Uzbekistan.

Simultaneous to the seminar, bilateral negotiations were conducted between the University of World Economy Diplomacy and the delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea. In his opening speech Rector of the University of World Economy Diplomacy Sodyq Safoev introduced the delegation of UWED and put forward proposals of partnership, including lectures for Executive Education department and overall partnership in this direction. It was proposed to organize joint lectures for students to learn not only Korean language, but also the culture and history of Korea in cooperation with Korean universities and think tanks.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, Choi Young Sam said that he was delighted to meet the UWED delegation and S. Safoev, expressed hope that the new ambassador will contribute to the enhancement of bilateral ties. Mr. Choi noted that the diplomatic academies of Korea and UWED could collaborate in certain fields and once more congratulated the sides on 30 years anniversary since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea.

At the end of the negotiations, the sides agreed that an additional meeting should be organized soon to develop concrete steps of collaboration between the parties.