The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to Uzbekistan visited the University of World Economy and Diplomacy
24.10.2022 1327
On October 20, this year a meeting with the ambassador of Tajikistan to Uzbekistan was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. Ambassador Abdujabbar Rahmonzoda informed the students about the state of Uzbekistan-Tajikistan relations and prospects for their development. As close neighbors for all Uzbeks and Tajiks, today we talked about the development of relations between our countries. The Tajik side noted that it is very pleased with the success of neighboring countries, especially Uzbekistan, and will support the reforms and modernization processes taking place in this beautiful country. At the end of the event, the ambassador of Tajikistan presented a collection of books on Uzbekistan-Tajikistan relations to the library of UWED. At the end of the meeting, the students got answers to their questions.