20.01.2017 32429

On January 19, 2017 in the Main Hall of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy an open master-class on the topic: “International Non-governmental Foundation «Soglom Avlod Uchun » is an important institution of civil society” was delivered. The lecture was held by the professor Sultanova E.S. in the frame of the course “Civil Society: Theory and Practice of building of Democratic Society”. The Chairperson of the Board of  International non-governmental Fund " Soglom Avlod Uchun ", Honored organizer of  Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan, PhD, doctor of the highest category Inamova Svetlana Tursunkhodjaenva was invited as a Guest Co-Lecturer.

This open master-class was attended by the faculty members, researchers, students of International Relations, International Law, and International Economic Relations. The lecture was interesting. The listeners were demonstrated power point presentation as well as video where activity of the Fund found its complete reflection.  

An open-master class was organized by "Social and Humanities" Department of the Faculty "International Relations".