11.06.2022 1681

On June 8 of this year, a round table “Drug addiction -the plague of the century” was organized jointly with the Faculty of International Relations and the Department for Combating Drug Addiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tashkent.
It was emphasized that drug addiction is the plague of the century, the plague of human thinking, so everyone should contribute to preventing the production, sale, transportation and storage of drugs.
Drug addiction threatens not only those who are engaged in this vice, but also the whole society. That is why June 26 is considered as the International Day against Drug Addiction.
Events in this direction are constantly being held in the republic. In particular, events with the participation of representatives of all spheres are held in the UWED, explanatory work is regularly carried out among young people.
The most valuable wealth for a person is health. And its preservation is the pledge of each of us. A person's faith in this should be strong, firm. The fight against drug addiction, which can endanger a person's life, the future of the younger generation, is one of the most important tasks of every citizen of our independent country, as well as each of us. After all, the eradication and prevention of any harmful vice existing in the life of society is the duty of each of us, our honorable duty.