13.04.2022 2411

The fight against crime has always been a serious and important task of the state. Human wants to live in peace and prosperity. Where there is peace, there will be well-being and development.

On April 13 of this year, the first vice-rector of the UWED for work with youth and spiritual education O. Yusupjanov held an open conversation with students. The problem of crime among youth was discussed at the meeting. It was about the prevention of delinquency and crime among young people, protecting them from the influence of various ideological threats and alien ideas, meaningful leisure. Youth is the mirror of tomorrow. Their future is the concern of the whole nation. Currently, special attention is paid to youth issues in all areas. For the prevention of delinquency and crime, especially among young people, not only parents, but also the university and a number of other organizations and departments are responsible.

O. Yusupjanov instilled in the minds of students such qualities as not to commit crimes, not to betray anyone, to be faithful to the Motherland, to have high respect for the people around them. Another sensitive topic was the rise in fraud among young people.

It was noted that today our university has created all the conditions for studying, a lot of work is being done to eliminate the problems faced by students, providing them with a wide range of benefits and opportunities.

The systemic reforms being carried out in our country to prevent delinquency among young people will serve to ensure the peace and tranquility of our people. We can say that this will create a basis for improving the social and spiritual environment in society, the formation of immunity among students.