Hello Navruz!
26.03.2022 1970
On March 26, 2022, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy hosted a holiday dedicated to the theme "Navruz - a national holiday" under the motto "Hello, Navruz!".
The staff of the university carefully prepared for this holiday. And the result was expectedly impressive.
The stage area was beautifully decorated with various exhibitions and other interesting decorations. Honorable guests, administration, professors, staff and students gathered in the assembly hall. To the sounds of Navruz music, the leading events took the stage and congratulated all those present on a unique spring holiday.
After all, Navruz is a new year, a new day. Therefore, may Navruz bring peace and tranquility, prosperity, new luck and happiness to all of us, to all our people! May our country be prosperous and the sky always peaceful!
It should be noted that this year's celebrations are organized at our university as a special holiday. The proof of such a statement, as one of the organizers noted, is that around the soup table everyone moves together, like one soul, like one body.
It is known that each region of Uzbekistan has its own mentality and national traditions. These features are clearly manifested in the performances prepared by the university students. The guests and participants of the round table had a great opportunity to get acquainted with the cultural characteristics of the regions of the country, as well as to deepen their existing knowledge.
The celebration of was held at different venues of the university. On the first square, the Navruz Kitchen Table competition was held, while in the assembly hall there was organized the performance of talented students, on a separate site - academic teams and interfaculty sports competitions (wrestling, rock climbing, tug of war, darts, arm wrestling, etc.).
Also, for guests, professors and teachers, a separate table was decorated with spring dishes from students and staff.
At such moments, you involuntarily say: “Happy Navruz, my dear Uzbekistan!”.