Students had a productive rest
01.03.2022 1485
We all know that the role and significance of theatrical art in the life of a person and society, in the development of the spiritual world and the consciousness of the people is incomparable. As our great enlightened ancestor, Mahmudhoja Behbudi said, the theater is truly an example, a place of education and enlightenment.
As part of the first directions of the five important initiatives, which were put forward by the President. To increase the interest of young people in music, painting, literature, theater, and other arts, on February 26, UWED students visited the State Drama Theater of Uzbekistan. The premiere of the performance based on the work of the great writer Utkir Khoshimov "Dunyoning ishlari" took place in the theater. The performance tells about the life of the writer's family in the 1950s. At the same time, the mothers' suffering is masterfully expressed through the fate of a woman who is fed up with the suffering of time and can protect her family.
The students were impressed by the performance, which reflects our national values and high human qualities.