Theatre is the place of education and spirituality
28.12.2021 3980
Theatre is the place of education and spirituality. We all know that the role and importance of theatrical art in the life of people is incomparable.
As our great enlightened ancestor, Mahmudhoja Behbudi said, the theater is truly a place of education and enlightenment.
As a part of the first directions of the five important initiatives, which were put forward by the President, to increase the interest of young people in music, painting, literature, theater and other arts, on December 26, 2021, UWED Youth Spiritual and Enlightenment Department and 1st-year tutors organized a visit with students to the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater. The theater staged a comedy performance based on the screenplay by Erkin Hushvaqtov "Andishali kelinchak". Students were impressed by the performance, which embodied our national values and traditions.