18.11.2021 1633

On November 17th this year at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, events were held dedicated to the speech of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.  Mirziyoyev at a joint meeting of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the topic: "We will resolutely follow the path of democratic reforms based on the New Development Strategy of Uzbekistan".

In particular, 2nd year students of the Faculty of International Relations were familiarized with the key provisions and ideas set forth in the New Development Strategy of Uzbekistan and voiced by the Head of our country during the inauguration on November 6 of this year.

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan has repeatedly stressed in his speeches that “New Uzbekistan is a state whose main goal is to ensure a free, comfortable and prosperous life of our multinational people. This is a state developing in strict accordance with generally recognized norms in the field of democracy, human rights and freedoms, based on the principles of friendship and cooperation with the international community. "

The construction of New Uzbekistan is not a subjective desire, not a PR campaign, but an objective necessity. The attention of the students was drawn to the fact that the organization of activities will be formed on the basis of a new principle: "man-society-state".  The approach proposed by the President deserves special attention, which is conditioned by the need to search for new ideas and practical proposals for the welfare of the Motherland.

In this regard, the Leader of Uzbekistan in the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan put forward the idea "From the Action Strategy to the Development Strategy".  This, in turn, means the implementation of the tasks set in seven key areas, including: - building a people's state through the development of a free civil society. It was also noted that Uzbekistan will continue its pragmatic, balanced foreign policy and economic diplomacy. This is, first of all, the further strengthening of good-neighborliness and strategic partnership with the countries of Central Asia, as well as the expansion of mutually beneficial and multifaceted relations with partners in all regions of the world.