Conference on the theme «Strategy of the New Uzbekistan: prospects for national development»
14.10.2021 5642
The international scientific and practical videoconference «Strategy of the New Uzbekistan: Prospects for national development» was held at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy.
The event was dedicated to the book of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev «Strategy of the New Uzbekistan», which provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the course of large-scale transformations aimed at creating the foundation of a new type of society and state within the concepts of the New Uzbekistan and the Third Renaissance.
The event was attended by members of the Senate, deputies, and representatives of NGOs, teaching staff, undergraduates and students of UWED, representatives of scientific and educational institutions, the expert community of the country. Among the guests of honor are Mr. Pierre-Emmanuel Thomann (Belgium), Mr. Alkis Drakinos, Head of the Representative Office of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Uzbekistan.
Foreign participants of the conference in their speeches highly appreciated the reform processes in the republic carried out under the leadership of President Sh.Mirziyoyev, as well as the open and consistent foreign policy of the leader of Uzbekistan, contributing to the noticeable growth of the country’s international prestige.
The key provisions of the President’s work determined the topics and main issues of discussions at the conference. Within the framework of the sessions, the following topics were considered: «Strategy of the New Uzbekistan»: the essence and principles, «Development of the national economy», «Fair social policy and spiritual development», «Open and pragmatic active foreign policy of Uzbekistan and universal problems», reports and speeches of participants were heard. During the event, topical issues of interaction of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the international community at the present stage were also discussed.
The opening speech was made by the First Deputy Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Rector of UWED S.Safaev, who focused on the key issues of the formation of a new image of the country and the active and effective efforts of the republic's leadership in the international arena.
In his report «New Uzbekistan: factors of renewal and development» Vice-Rector of UWED G.Ismailova acquainted the participants with the concrete results of reforms achieved by Uzbekistan in a short historical period.
A special emphasis in the context of the development of the national economy was made in the reports of G.Utemuratova and I.Mavlanov.
Discussions on the implementation of a fair social policy and spiritual development in Uzbekistan deserve special attention.
Speeches on the topics «Central Asia is the main priority in the foreign policy of the New Uzbekistan» (I.Yakubov), «Central and South Asia: new forms of cooperation» (R. Makhmudov) aroused great interest.
In the final part of the event, guests heard the topic on «Global problems of modernity and the development of Uzbekistan» by A. Sharapov.
During the event, an active discussion and exchange of views of representatives of the scientific and expert community, young scientists and students took place.
At the end of the event, the Vice-rector for International Relations of UWED, Professor S.Saidkasimov summed up the results of the conference and expressed confidence that the work of the President of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoyev «Strategy of New Uzbekistan: prospects for national development» will become a reference book not only for the academic community and students of UWED and the Republic, but for a wide range of foreign specialists and experts.