Attention to the youth - attention to the future
04.06.2021 2509
Uzbekistan, being the most populous republic in Central Asia, has a huge human potential. Almost a third of the country's residents are children under the age of 18, and 24 percent are young people between the ages of 18 and 30. Ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of young people is one of the priorities of State policy.
Another spiritual and educational event, held under the slogan "New Uzbekistan - a new worldview", was organized in the mahalla "Bahor" in Mirzo-Ulugbek district. In it, the head of the Department of International Finance and Investment Umida Sharipova, Associate Professor Gulbakhor Bakoeva, senior teachers Aziz Abdullayev, Bahodir Eshmurodov, Numunjon Malikov gave a lecture to the participants about the wide opportunities created for modern youth.
The future development of any country is determined by young people with deep knowledge and potential, well versed in modern disciplines. They are also a powerful engine that gives life to all spheres and sectors of global development. Because today, more than 30 percent of the world's population is made up of young people.
The speakers at the event shared their views and views on the significance and significance of the reforms carried out in our country, youth education, preparation of our children for independent life, support and employment of young people, their social protection, meaningful Organization of their free time, strengthening the sense of belonging to the reforms carried out in our country, strengthening national and universal values. The event was attended by representatives of Ahmad Yugnaki, Beshkapa, Traktorsozlar, Bahor, Boz districts of Mirzo Ulugbek district attached to the Uwed, and also provided theoretical and practical knowledge on the formation of entrepreneurial abilities of young people.
Also, the Head of the Department of Youth Affairs of UWED Furkat Yakhshyiev, the specialist of the university in working with talented students Gulchehra Dolimova conducted poetry, sports, public speaking and dance classes in order to increase the interest of the youth of the neighbourhood in art.
High intelligence, spirituality, honesty, kindness, compassion – all these are the main qualities of the enlightened. Today, the formation of such qualities in our youth is an important task. In the era of modern globalization, we can say with confidence that only disciplined, responsible, tolerant, socially active young people can be reliable builders of a bright future for our country.