31.05.2021 3078

International relations at the present stage are undergoing significant changes, this was influenced by various factors, such as a pandemic, an increase in migration flows to European countries, a change in climatic conditions, an increase in natural disasters, social, interethnic, interstate confrontations, wars, terrorist attacks, etc.

The issues of security, strengthening social stability, economic, political and cultural cooperation between states are becoming especially relevant at the level of regions and continents. From this perspective, the republican conference on the topic "Transformation of international relations in the countries of the East" held at the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies was of particular importance.

The forum was opened by the rector of TSUO Gulchekhra Rikhsieva. She spoke about the university's contribution to the education and training of highly qualified specialists in the field of oriental studies. Representative of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, doctor of political sciences, professor S.T.Saidolimov, representative of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic R.A. Alimov, representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan R.I. Nurimbetov, doctor of political sciences, professor S.A. Zhuraev and others. Scientists from the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Doctor of Economics, professor I.R. Mavlanov, head of the department U.A. Khasanov, Doctor of Political Sciences, professor E.S. Sultanova, doctor of laws, professor S.M. Adilkhodzhaeva, professor F.I. Muminova.

Professor I. R. Mavlanov presented a report and presentation to the conference participants on the topic "Development of the concept of economic diplomacy of Uzbekistan – a strategic task of foreign economic activity", the scientist gave an analysis of the investment policy of our country, put forward the idea of developing the "Concept of development of economic Diplomacy of the Republic of Uzbekistan", which is intended to become a basic document for the implementation of the Development Strategy of Uzbekistan. The report of U. A. Khasanov was devoted to the topic "The Middle East in the priorities of foreign Oriental studies", it was noted that in recent decades the Middle East has attracted increased interest, and the problem of studying the formation of the Middle East as an established region in the modern era is a multifaceted and complex task.

In the speeches of other UWED participants, attention was focused on the growth of information values, the education in students of a culture of the correct attitude to various kinds of materials in the media, the highlighting of fakes in them, the development of legal and media literacy in growing up and young students.

The moderators of the republican forum were Doctor of Historical Sciences, Director of the Research Center for the Study of the Culture and Heritage of the East at TSUV Durbek Sayfullaev, Professor Sayfuddin Zhuraev and others. The conference was held in a traditional and online format. Prior to the opening of the forum, a collection of scientific articles on the topic of the conference was published.

Fatima Muminova
professor, editor of the publishing department of the UWED