26.05.2021 1847

At the children's camp "Oktosh", within the framework of the traditional XX Republican conference of leaders of the “Kamalak” children's organization, students of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy held a training seminar on priority areas in the education of young leaders.

In particular, Shokhrukh Kuchkarov, a 1st-year student of the faculty of "International Economics and Management", made a report on "Oratory art", Ulugbek Dzhangchiddinov, a 2nd-year student of the faculty of "International Relations", made a report on "Diplomacy: etiquette and political image", Abu Tolib Giyosov, a 2nd-year student of the Faculty of "International Law", made a report on "UWED: peculiarities of educating young diplomats".

Highly organized trainings were welcomed by the participants with great interest and gave the participants the opportunity to answer their questions on the topic.