UWED student became the winner of the competition "The Best Young Scientist of the CIS - 2021"
19.05.2021 2691
1st-year student of the faculty of “International Relations” of the University of world economy and diplomacy Dilmurod Dilmurodov was awarded a gold medal at the International competition “Best Young Scientist – 2021” among the CIS countries, held in the city of Nursultan, Kazakhstan, in the field of political science in 14 countries.
It should be noted that, this competition has traditionally been held in the city of Nursultan since 2019. The competition is held in 21 directions. Talented students and researchers from the CIS countries can take part in this competition.
At present, Dilmurod Dilmurodov, under the scientific guidance of professor of the department of Political science of the UWED, Doctor of Political science Etibor Sultanova, conducts research on the topic “Improving the position of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the ratings concerning socio-political and human rights spheres established by international organizations”.
About 20 scientific and journalistic articles, theses of Dilmurod Dilmurodov were published in international, republican editions, included in collections.
The team of the University of world economy and diplomacy congratulates Dilmurod Dilmurodov and wishes him further success in his new scientific research.