20.04.2021 2013

The UWED Information Resource Center has received another batch of the latest US periodicals sent by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United States J. Vakhabov. On March 14th , a presentation of the latest issues of the most popular  American newspapers, journals and magazines was made. The given presentation was held with the participation of students and researchers under the guidance of the head of the Department of English E.V. Borisova. The students analyzed current developments of political, economic and social spheres of the United States based on publications of such popular editions as The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and others.

Elena Borisova puts emphasis on that fact that, “UWED students during their English classes watch current news, CNN and BBC TV reports on a regular basis. They also read Internet publications with great interest, but not always students have an opportunity to read printed newspapers. Therefore, it has become a good tradition to gather in our library, read, discuss and exchange opinions about the articles read. It should be noticed that discussions are held in different languages where special attention is paid to the UN official languages.   As practice shows, newspaper reading helps to improve English, increases critical thinking and boosts students’ abilities to analyze serious scientific texts as well as skills of expressing their opinions in discussions in English independently. Therefore, we want to express our gratitude to the Embassy of Uzbekistan in the United States for the regular enrichment of our library collection with new American newspapers”.

Media materials in different languages are important for the future diplomatic career of students. Practical application of the language skills, acquired in the learning process influences positively on the quality of students' knowledge and such classes will be widely practiced in the UWED in future as well.