Held seminars on the legal framework for the electoral process and the elections
13.04.2021 5142
In the new Uzbekistan, the political activity of citizens, living in the spirit of creativity has become a necessity of life, a social necessity. Today, our citizens are becoming not only active participants but also initiators of reforms. Elections are an important means of demonstrating such an active civic position, one of the pillars of a democratic system.
Therefore, it is expedient to systematically improve the knowledge of representatives of political parties and the media, as well as deputies of local councils on electoral legislation and international standards.
At the initiative of political parties operating in the country, training courses are being held for media representatives, members of party groups in local councils and activists of political parties, specializing in covering the activities of political parties in the regions.
The training courses are conducted using modern pedagogical and interactive methods to teach students the essence of the ongoing reforms in the country, the electoral legislation, the program goals and objectives of political parties, as well as the specifics of coverage of the election process.
To this end, on April 6, the Institute of Legislative Problems and the UN Training Center Institute held a special training course on "The electoral process and the legal framework of elections" at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The course discussed important issues such as the electoral process and the content of the legal framework of elections, the requirements for the organization and conduct of electoral processes.
The training course was attended by a total of 75 deputies of local councils and representatives of political parties from the regions, the city of Tashkent and the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
The course was conducted by Sarvarbek Ibadullaev, Deputy Dean of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. During the lesson, the following questions were highlighted: Content of international election standards related to the preparation, conduct and activities of election commissions; Sources of international suffrage, universal and regional electoral standards; Necessary information was provided on international standards for political parties, voters and observers.
During the course, participants received answers from the specialist to the questions they were interested in on the international election process and the legal framework of elections, the strengthening of requirements for observers, regional election standards.
At the end of the lesson, students were provided with educational content on the topic for electronic independent study.
It should be noted that the Training Center was launched on March 29 this year. The training center has a priority task of further developing national parliament by training local council members, secretaries of councils, members of youth parliaments and representatives of the executive branch.