Meeting of UWED students with a representative of the International Committee of Red Cross
23.03.2021 1654
With the initiative of the Department of "International law and human rights of UNESCO", the faculty of "International law" in the framework of the educational discipline of International humanitarian law was held the meeting for students with the participation of Regional Legal Advisor of the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) in the Central Asia Marat Aminov. The meeting was dedicated to topic of the "International humanitarian law, based on the Hague Conventions".
The representative of the International Committee of Red Cross presented information on the basics of international humanitarian law (IHL), the Hague Conventions, as sources of international humanitarian law, as well as on the history of development and main activities of the International Committee of Red Cross.
During the class, which was held in a live form, students raised actual issues of the international humanitarian law and activities of International Committee of Red Cross.
Along with above, there were given cases by ICRC representative, the solution of which were carried out by the students in an interactive form with the leading legal analysis of IHL standards.