12.03.2021 1818

On March 9-10 this year, “UWED Vis Moot team”, consisting of Abdumalik Mukhtorov, Azizbek Suyunbaev, Mohlaroyim Zokirova and Mehriniso Jumanazarova, took part in the international competition in commercial arbitration (Pre-moot), organized by the Tehran Regional Arbitration Center (TRAC). The competition was attended by 33 teams from universities in the USA, Czech Republic, Germany, Guatemala, India, Indonesia and Japan. In this competition, the team of our university reached the semifinals and entered the top four teams.

UWED Vis Moot team has also successfully competed in several premoots such as Guadalajara VIS–Tequila Pre-Moot, Hannover Pre-Moot, AIAC Pre-moot, Indian Vis Pre-Moot, Moot Academy Pre-moot and Vis Middle East Pre-moot.

We congratulate the team on success and wish them good luck in the upcoming competitions!