04.03.2021 2011

A round table was held on the topic "Women in leadership positions: achieving an equal future in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic", aimed at strengthening the positive image of a woman leader in all spheres of social and political life in Uzbekistan and timed to coincide with the celebration of International Women's Day.

This event, organized by the National Commission on Gender Equality of the Senate of Oliy Majlis in cooperation with the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the United Nations Development Program and United Nations Population Fund and other international organizations accredited in Uzbekistan and was attended by representatives the upper chamber of parliament, ministries and departments, international organizations and the Mass-media.

In this conference was also attended online by University of World Economy and Diplomacy Chairperson of the council of girls and women of the UWED, Doctor of political science, professor Etibor Sultanova, deputy dean of the faculty of “International relations” Sayora Tillahodjaeva and other active teachers of the university.

It was noted that according to studies, socio-economic impact of pandemic coronavirus have been most severe for women because of the sharp increase in unpaid work caring for family members, as well as the increased workload due to the closure of schools, kindergartens, unstable income and diseases of other family members .

In this regard, there is an urgent need to include gender aspects in the adopted state economic programs and policies to restore the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to use the existing potential of women leaders and ensure wider participation of women in decision-making at local, regional and national levels, aimed at ensuring the effectiveness of measures and reducing the negative economic consequences of COVID-19 and the risks of the further spread of the coronavirus.

As part of the event, an award ceremony was held for the winners of the national competition “Gender equality activist”.