01.03.2021 5010

The idea of building the Third Renaissance in Uzbekistan, put forward by the head of our President, emphasizes the involvement of the younger generation in science and education. Young people have been described as “key drivers” in achieving this goal.

The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, together with the Ministry of Innovative Development, the Committee for Religious Affairs, the Center for Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan, Ipoteka-Bank ATIB, the National Information Agency of Uzbekistan, held the second stage of the republican competition “Third Renaissance - through the eyes of youth”.

A competition was held between the candidates selected at the first inter-faculty stage. At the university stage, the jury selected the winners as follows:

  • 2nd year students of the faculty of "International Law" A. Giyosov, A. Kodyrdzhanov and 2nd year students of the faculty of “International Relations” Sh. Dzhumaniyazova, M. Ilmiddinova in the nomination "Innovative approaches to the study and promotion of ancestral heritage”;
  • 1st year students of the faculty of International Law K. Amandullaev, M. Mukhtorov in the nomination "Non-traditional ways of attracting young people to science";
  • Fourth-year student of the faculty of "International Law" M. Tursunov in the "Ways to change the methodology of the educational process to increase the personal motivation of students to receive quality education in higher education".