27.02.2021 3163

University of World Economy and Diplomacy, organized a round table on the topic "Possibilities of implementation of international experience in the development of ecotourism in Uzbekistan". Researchers at the State Committee for Tourism Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Institute for the development of tourism, professors and teachers of the International University of Tourism "Silk Road", representatives of the State Committee on Ecology and Environment, media workers, bloggers, professors UWED and students attended.

As you know, our country has broad prospects for the development of ecological tourism, the deployment of a unique and sustainable network of eco-tourist routes, attractive for all categories of tourists, with the further integration of the republic into the international market for such services. Today Uzbekistan occupies one of the leading places in Central Asia for popular ecotourism destinations. Understanding the responsibility for the rational use of natural resources, as well as for the state of the ecological situation in the country, Uzbekistan is implementing a number of programs aimed at the development of ecological tourism in the republic.

During the round table, issues of the development of ecological tourism, environmental protection and the positive impact of ecotourism on the country's economy were discussed. The parties agreed to sign a memorandum of cooperation with the involvement of UWED students in this process.

The main purpose of this event was to study general and specific issues related to the organization of outdoor recreation, the legal basis for the development of ecological tourism, the development of proposals on promising directions, mechanisms and tools for the development of ecological tourism in the republic, taking into account foreign experience and practice of the EEC countries, further expansion of international cooperation in the field of ecotourism and nature protection. The event was part of a joint grant project of the Jean Monnet Center for Advanced Experience dealing with the European Studies in Tashkent.