10.02.2021 7045

«The Uzbek people should be proud of their history, because their glorious past is rich in the immortal talents of great scientists, commanderы, literary and artistic figures. Among such great figures, Hazrat Mir Alisher Navoi shines like the sun in the sky of poetry. Quoting Abdulla Aripov, we can say that for almost six centuries, Navoi's poetry has been admiring the world, and the heights of the poet's work have not yet been conquered. At the same time, Alisher Navoi is a very versatile person, not only a great thinker and poet, but also a talented musician, artist and statesman», says the rector of the University Komiljon Karimov by opening the event  «Mir Alisher Navoi through the eyes of the youth of the XXI century», which was held in UWED on the 9th of February, 2021.

Truly, Alisher Navoi's contribution to the cultural development of our people is enormous. He is rightly considered the founder of the Uzbek literary language, because, as Zakhiriddin Mukhammad Bobur Mirzo said: « … no one wrote so much and so well in the Turkic language. » Throughout his life, he was a promoter and defender of this language, increasing its status and prestige. At the same time, holding high positions in the Timurid government, he made an invaluable contribution to strengthening the foundations of the state, stabilizing the political and spiritual balance, and developing the country, devoting his life to the interests and prosperity of the people.

Our hearts are filled with a sense of pride that we have such a great ancestor as Alisher Navoi. As noted in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PP №4865 of еру 19th October, 2020 «On the wide celebration of the 580th anniversary of the great poet and thinker Alisher Navoi», proceeding from the general principle: «Our native land from national revival to national progress», today more than ever it is important to deeply study and popularize Uzbek literature and culture on the example of the rich literary heritage of Alisher Navoi, who laid the foundations of the New Renaissance - the Third Renaissance.

The event dedicated to the birthday of Alisher Navoi, organized at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in cooperation with the International Institute of Central Asia, was aimed at this noble and relevant goal.

The event was attended by famous writers and poets, scientists and public figures of the republic. In particular, the adviser to the Chairman of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, a famous poet, author of dozens of books, writer Aziz Said, a member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, editor-in-chief of the Saodat magazine, poet Munavvara Usmanova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Valijon Ishkuvatov, Senior Researcher at the Institute of History of the Academy Sciences Shukhrat Ergashev, head of the department for youth affairs, the famous poet Nargiza Asadova spoke about the immortal artistic heritage of Hazrat Navoiy, the charm of his works, the magic of their ideas and their relevance today.

The Vice-Rector of UWED S. S. Saidkasimov, in his speech, paid special attention to the great poet as a great statesman, a selfless person who devoted his whole life to the peace and prosperity of the country. The speeches of the distinguished guests made a great impression on the participants of the event.

Within the month dedicated to the life and works of Navoi, contests, articles on «The place and importance of the literary heritage of Alisher Navoi”, «Personality and creativity of Navoi through the eyes of youth of the XXI century», «Navoi – a skilled diplomat,» and an essay on «My understanding of Navoi», which was attended by students of all faculties of the university. The winners Sarayev Samandar, Mukhammadieva Aziza, Matnazarova Madina, Rashidov Akobir, Mukhtarov Mirsaid, Abdulazizov Khosiljon, Khollieva Sojida were awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts.

Artistic performances of UWED students dedicated to this date gave a special festive mood and magnificence to the event.