10.11.2016 30878


On November 9th, 2016 discussion on the topic of 'elections are the reflection of democracy' took place in the framework of the realization of the programs of measurements towards further development of legal culture of the voters in the period of preparation to elections of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Professor R.Farmonov, associate professor Fayziev and the chairman of the YCM Kamolot J.Shamsutdinov participated in the discussion. In their speech professor Farmonov and associate professor Fayziev talked about democratic renovation in our country in the years of independence, about reforms on the improvement of the right for voting of voters in their speech. It was highlighted that in the upcoming presidential elections which will be held on december 4th, 4 representatives of parties put their candidateship, being included in Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis and the accordance of elections with the norms of international law. The participants exchanged their ideas and questions that interested them.