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Zaynobiddinova Farangiz Baxtiyor qizi studied at the Tashkent State University of Law in 2012-2016 with a degree in State Legal Activity. Winner of the Kamolot scholarship and the Navoi State scholarship. In 2018, she graduated with honors from the magistracy at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy in the field of international (public) law. At present she continues her scientific activity in doctoral studies in the specialty 12.00.03 - “Civil Law. Business Law. Family law. International Private Law”.

As a result of her research, F.Zainobiddinova published more than 40 scientific articles in various fields of jurisprudence: in particular, Constitutional Law, International Law, Civil Law, Investment Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Commercial Law and International Private Law. She is also the author of manuals “Ensuring the Rights of the Child is an Important Factor in Upbringing Harmoniously Developed Generation”, “Regulation of Family Relations in Private International Law."

Currently, she is studying the issues of contractual and legal regulation of investment activities, reforming investment policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan and the features of investment activities during the pandemic.

She has also been awarded more than 30 certificates of honor, diplomas and letters of gratitude for her social work, in particular for her participation in cultural, educational and political events. Also, she was awarded the Honorary Certificate of the Minister of Justice for deep knowledge and competent organization of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, current legislation and the content of judicial reform among the general public. She actively participated in the Republican Scientific Olympiads in the specialties “Jurisprudence”, “National Idea”; She is also an honorary participant in Republican competitions such as “Tafakkur sinovlari”, “Prezident asarlari bilimdoni”, “Siz qonunni bilasizmi?”, “Eng bilimdon iste'molchi”, “Donolik va tashabbuskorlik - siyosiy yetakchilik mezoni”.

Owing to the scientific achievements of F.Zainobiddinova, to the accomplishment of more than 70% of her current candidate dissertation, excellent grades in the specialty and foreign languages ​​and constant active participation in scientific and practical, socio-political conferences, cultural and educational events held at the university, the Academic Council of UWED in October 28, 2020, recommended her as a candidate for participation in the competition of the state scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2021.

F.Zaynobiddinova, in accordance with the Regulations “On state scholarships of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for basic doctoral students and the procedure for their appointment”, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 13, 2008, has been examined at the State Testing Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Information Technologies, History of Uzbekistan, English Language (CEFR) and recommended for the next stage of the competition. In an interview conducted by a special commission created under the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education on December 30, 2020, she received the most votes and was recommended as the winner.

By the Resolution of the Board of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education No. 1/1 dated January 22, 2021, F. Zaynobiddinova was awarded the State scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the direction of “Social and Humanitarian Sciences, Economics and Law”.