UWED University Press published textbooks on applied analysis of foreign policy situations and systems approach to the study of international relations
13.01.2021 2771
The UWED University Press has published two volumes of the three-volume edition “Textbooks and study guides of a new generation for the training of specialists in the field of international relations”. The executive editor of the publication is Dr. (History), Prof. Sh.M. Abdullaev.
These textbooks were prepared by the Center for International Economic and Political Research under the UWED of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, with the involvement of specialists from the Departments of Applied Analysis of International Problems and International Relations of the UWED.
The first volume of the series Applied Analysis of Foreign Policy Situations is devoted to the essence and significance of applied analysis of foreign policy situations, the methodology of analytical activity and foreign policy modeling, basic methods of studying international situations and provides an idea of the existing "think tanks" and their typologies, allows to analyze foreign policy forecasts after the fact and etc.
The structure of this volume includes a preface, eight chapters, sources used and consists of the following sections:
Chapter I. The essence and significance of applied analysis of foreign policy situations.
Chapter II. Informational aspects of methodological support of foreign policy research.
Chapter III. Basic methods of studying international situations. This chapter is divided into such sections as Content Analysis, Event Analysis, Cognitive Mapping, Systems Analysis, Game Theory.
Chapter IV. Targeted structuring of foreign policy analysis and features of operational and analytical work.
Chapter V. World's leading centers for foreign policy analysis in the United States and Russia. This chapter includes such sections as the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States, Brookings Institution, National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations named after E.M. Primakov of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Chapter VI. World's leading centers for foreign policy analysis in Europe, China and India. This chapter provides information on Chatham House, Chinese Academy of Contemporary International Relations, Institute for Defense Research and Analysis.
Chapter VII. System modeling and expert assessments in the study of international situations.
Chapter VIII. Analysis of the foreign policy decision-making process
The authors are represented by the following experts: Sh.M. Abdullaev, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Prof. (foreword), A.A. Abduvakhitov, Candidate of Historical Sciences (Chapter VIII), A.A. Umarov, Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD) in Political Sciences (chapters I, III, V, VI), A.P. Seitov, Candidate of Social Sciences (chapter VI), N.M. Rakhmatullaeva, PhD student of UWED (chapters II, VII), A.S. Rakhimov, Chief Researcher, CIEPR (Chapter VIII).
The second volume of this series A systematic approach to the study of international relations is devoted to an adapted and generalized presentation of the essence and significance of a systemic approach to the study of international relations. It examines the issues of systemic analysis of international relations in modern scientific discourse, analyzes the models, structure and typology of international systems, examines the system of balance of power or “ideal equilibrium”, polarity in international relations, evolution of the modern world system.
The structure of this volume is divided into the following sections:
Chapter I. System analysis of international relations in modern scientific discourse.
I.1. Social Systems Theory (Talcott Parsons).
I.2. Structural functionalism or social systems theory (Niklas Luhmann).
I.3. Analytical approaches to the study of political systems (David Easton).
I.4. Systems approach in international politics (Morton A. Kaplan).
I.5. International Systems (Richard Rosecrance).
I.6. Systems approach and levels of analysis (Kenneth Waltz).
I.7. Systemic change: the level of the international system and the level of states (Robert Gilpin).
I.8. International system and internal and external constraints of foreign policy (Stanley Hoffmann).
I.9. Security Community Analysis (Karl W. Deutsch).
I.10. International System, Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Systems (Raymond Aron).
I.11. Systems-historical approach (Immanuel Wallerstein).
I.12. International Society Concepts (Hedley Bull, Barry Buzan).
I.13. Long Cycles Theory and the Global System (George Modelski).
I.14. Traditions of systemic analysis of international relations in Russia.
I.15. Systematic approach in international studies of Chinese scientists.
Chapter II. Basics of the systems approach. System models in international relations.
II.1. Systems Theory by David Easton.
II.2. Structural Realism by Kenneth Waltz.
II.3. A systematic approach to applied analysis of political situations.
II.4. Methods for comparing alternatives in the framework of systems analysis.
II.5. The importance of systems thinking and analysis in the modern world.
Chapter III. The structure of the system of international relations: elements, environment, subsystems. Typology of international systems.
Chapter IV. The system of balance of power, or “ideal equilibrium”. Classic European equilibrium. Polarity in international relations.
Chapter V. Westphalian model within the system of international relations.
V.1. Conflict matrix.
V.2. The nation-states as the main subjects.
V.3. Westphalian model as a system.
V.4. Westphalian system as a symbol of the era.
V.5. The systemic significance of Westphalia.
V.6. Security guarantees as a condition for peace.
Chapter VI. Evolution of the modern world system.
The authors of this volume are represented by the following specialists: Sh.M. Abdullaev, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Prof. (foreword), N.Ya. Muminova, Candidate of Political Sciences (Chapter I), A.P. Seitov, Doctor of Social Sciences, A.A. Umarov, Doctor of Philosophy. in Political Sciences (Chapter II), I.Kh. Yakubov, Candidate of Political Sciences (Chapter III), N.M. Rakhmatullaeva, PhD student at UWED (Chapter IV), U.A. Khasanov, Candidate of Political Sciences (Chapter V), A.A. Abduvakhitov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, A.S. Rakhimov, Chief Researcher, CIEPR (Chapter VI).
The volumes are intended for undergraduate students in the field of International Relations and Political Science. They will be of interest to masters students, doctoral students, teachers and researchers engaged in analytical work, as well as anyone interested in international political expertise as a profession.