Meeting, devoted to the realization of the content and the purpose of the law “on state policy of the youth” was held
31.10.2016 29405
The head of the department of the Republican Centre of propaganda of enlightenment, professor and doctor of juridical sciences Matkarimova. G. I and Associate professor of Tashkent Institute of oriental studies Saydaliyeva. N.were invited to the meeting.
Vice rector V. Khoshimov in his speech mentioned the importance of the law “ On the state policy of the youth” and informed the audience that from 26th of October in all educational institutions of the city different events have been organized which were devoted to the realization of the purpose and content of this law.
Professor Matkarimova G in her speech underlined that protection of the rights and freedom of the youth is guaranteed by the constitution of the country and is considered to be one of the foundations of the state policy “Uzbek model of development” worked out by the first president of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. A special juridical importance was attached to the notions such as “ the youth”, “young family”, “ young specialist”, “young entrepreneur”.
Associate professor Saydaliyeva N pointed out the necessity of the knowledge of the youth on the law “ On state policy of the youth”, as well as reaching the professionalism in the spheres of juridical understanding and juridical culture.
In conclusion, students gave questions they are interested in and received reliable answers from the specialists.
The head of the department of the Republican Centre of propaganda of enlightenment, professor and doctor of juridical sciences Matkarimova. G. I and Associate professor of Tashkent Institute of oriental studies Saydaliyeva. N.were invited to the meeting.
Vice rector V. Khoshimov in his speech mentioned the importance of the law “ On the state policy of the youth” and informed the audience that from 26th of October in all educational institutions of the city different events have been organized which were devoted to the realization of the purpose and content of this law.
Professor Matkarimova G in her speech underlined that protection of the rights and freedom of the youth is guaranteed by the constitution of the country and is considered to be one of the foundations of the state policy “Uzbek model of development” worked out by the first president of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. A special juridical importance was attached to the notions such as “ the youth”, “young family”, “ young specialist”, “young entrepreneur”.
Associate professor Saydaliyeva N pointed out the necessity of the knowledge of the youth on the law “ On state policy of the youth”, as well as reaching the professionalism in the spheres of juridical understanding and juridical culture.
In conclusion, students gave questions they are interested in and received reliable answers from the specialists.