UWED builds bridges with Diplomatic Academy of Hungary
17.11.2020 2491
On 13 th November 2020 took place negotiations beetwen Diplomatic Academy of Hungary (DAH) and University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED) MFA of Uzbekistan. Mr. Ádám Imre SZŰCS – general director/head of the Department HDA of Ministry of foreign affairs and trade (Hungary), Vice-rector for international cooperation of UWED proffesor Saidkasimov S.S., Head of the Department for international cooperation Mukhidinov A.I., Department chair of oriental languages Gafurova H.SH. therein were in attendance.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Austria A.A. Fayzullaev actively participated in organisation and conduct visit, who was the moderator of negotiations.
Mr. Á.I.Szűcs told about the goal formation and activities of HDA, emphasized, that the Hungary delegation visit to Uzbekistan on 16 th July 2020 at the head Minister of foreign affairs and trade Peter Siyarto provided the beginning contact between UWED and HDA.
S.S.Saidkasimov told about the purposes and targets and directions of UWED in trainning professionals in international fields broad cross-section.
Ambassador A.A. Fayzullaev expressed interest in undergoing internship of uzbek diplomats in HDA, and also in the potential to access Hungaritum scholarships and grants for study in the magistracy by UWED students.
Extensive information exchange was held on the activities of both higher education institutions, on scientific capacity and possibilities for enhance bilateral cooperation in the field of trainning workforce-international, practical issues were disscussed on further coordination exchange students, researchers and educators between two universities.
At the end of the meeting decided to sign Memorandum of understanding in online and exchange correspondence of interested themes for holding online lections and seminars.
For the record: Diplomatic Academy of Hungary was established by Hungary Ministry of foreign affairs and trade and began accepting it’s first listeners in september 2020. Academy’s aim- trainning high qualified diplomatic cadre for MFA of Hungary, and also professionals for other ministries and agencies.