16.11.2020 2454

In bilateral online format was held enhanced negotiations between administrations of UWED and Ural State Economic University (USEU).

Perspectives and priorety directions of mutually beneficial cooperation of both universities were disccussed.

USEU rector Y.P.Silin  and UWED rector K.H. Karimov, the other participants of the visit exchanged proposals and views on perspective projects of cooperation.

At the meeting were attended by director of Continuing and distance education Institute of USEU professor Y.N.Yalunina, vice-rector for international cooperation of UWED Saidkasimov S.S., dean of Faculty «International Economics and Management» of UWED Hamdamov M., head of Department for international cooperation Mukhitdinov A.

Participants of the meeting also disccussed practical issues of exchange teachers, researchers,students, the forthcoming UWED students participation in Eurasian youth forum, activization cooperation departments and scientific centres of the parties.

Agreed carry out in the near future thematic scientific-practical conferences dedicated to discussion,in particular, effects of the pandemic on the world economy at regional level.

Following a meeting outlined specific dates online discussions of Department chairs, teachers and researchers on exchange experience in conditions improvement distance education taking into account profile specialised directions of universities.

For the record: (Ural State Economic University) is one of Russia’s leading economic universities. This is a basic, multidisciplinary economic university of Ural region, which is body responsible for training high qualified specialists in the field public and municipal administration, management, economics, personnel management, jurisprudence and others.

In it study 15 thousands students from 56 worldwide. In over 50 years about 160 thousand highly qualified specialists were graduated from USEU.