Significance of the contribution of Central Asia to World Civilization
29.10.2020 3868
A round table was held at the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies on the initiatives of the President of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, expressed during his speech at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, to hold in cooperation with UNESCO in 2021 in Khiva the International Forum “Central Asia at the Crossroads of World Civilizations". The forum was attended by scientists, teachers, researchers, heads of institution, representatives of international organizations. Many interested parties connected and performed online.
The participants noted the importance of the speech of the head of our state at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly and the initiatives put forward. Along with such initiatives as the need to develop an International Code on voluntary commitments of states during a pandemic, on the creation of a permanent committee on Afghanistan at the UN and others, the initiative to hold a forum "Central Asia at the crossroads of world civilizations" has become important.
The events, the doctor of political sciences, deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan K.A. Zhuraev, UNESCO representative in Uzbekistan S. B. Mallakhanov. UWED scientists, doctor of political science, professor E.S.Sultanova, doctor of filololgical sciences, professor F.I.Muminova vade their reports and presentations to the assembled audience.
Professor E.S. Sutanova in her speech spoke about the huge contribution of philosophers, scientists, historians, geographers of the medieval East to world civilization and science. By the example of the creative heritage of al-Farabi, Nizam al- Mulka and others, the prescriber showed, fox example, achievements in the science of government, the development pf the concept of wise ruler and principles of establishing social well-being. F.I.Muminova`s report was devoted to the contribution of the Turkic peoples to word civilization. Also interesting slides and materials were presented in their speeches by the professors of TSUO M. Iskhokov and professor of UzSUWL N.K.Zhuraev and others.
All speeches emphasized the echievements of the peoples of Central Asia in various fields of human activity, the influence of the Muslim Renaissance on the science and culture of the peoples of other countries and regions.
At the end of the meeting of scientists and research of the republic, the main results and proposals for the wide dissemination of the successes of the peoples of Central Asia in world community were sumarized.
Fatima Muminova,
professor, editor of the publishing department of UWED