07.10.2020 2624

On October second professor of the University’s economic faculty Saytama Hiroyuki Taguchi gave the first lecture for UWED students on the theme “Pendemic сonsequences and it’s impact on Japan economy”.

In the beginning of the lecture was held video-presantation of famous Japan higher education institution, the students learned about achievements of many prominent graduates of Sayatama University.

Professor Saytama Hiroyuki Taguchi exstensively anylized on the situation of spreading COVID-19  in Japan and told about the main measures, undertaken by Japan government which are directed on supportting economy in hard pendemic situations. High priority was focus on active social policy of Japan in supporting population.

The lecture avoked the large interest among the students. At the conclusion presantation professor Taguchi responsed to the issues of  listeners, at which point took place discussion and exchange of views on ongoing economic reforms in the world on supporting economic stability in conditions of pendemic. More than 150 UWED students took part in the lecture.

Next lecture is sheduled on October 9th. The organizers this round lectures opposed head of the lectern «Oriental languages» Gafurova H. and dean of the Intrenational economic and managemenet faculty M.Hamdamov and also divison for international affairs of UWED.

Manuely: on August 26 th 2020 in cooperation with Ambassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Japan was held online discussion of UWED with the highest-level representatives of Sayatama University, on which agreements were reached on the signing of the agreement of collaboration between UWED and Sayatama University, and also on organization online lectures on the directions “Japan language” and “Japan modern public (culture, history,literature,art)” in japan and english languages, on holding collaborative sientific conferences and seminars in online with participating young researches, masters’ degree students and doctoral students of two universities, and also implementation collaborative scientific researches and publications of their results. It was agreed focus on such subjects, as methodology and methods of organizing scientific researches activity of students and masters’ degree students.

Professor Saytama Hiroyuki Taguchi is the main coordinator of collaboration with Japan University,  the author of the coming events project, including variety of forms and areas interaction for the nearest forward-looking.