UWED a fully attended in the activities of Indian cultural center in Tashkent city
05.10.2020 2539
On October second of 2020 at the Lal Bahudra Shastri Indian сultural сentre was convened the commemoration to honor jubilee internationally renowned indian social activist and politiсian Mahatma Gandhi.
In celebration of the 151 th anniversary since the birth of Mahatma Gandhi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bangladesh to The Republic of Uzbekistan Masud Mannan and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the The Republic of Uzbekistan, the first ambassador of Uzbekistan to India the renowned orientalist Surat Mirkasimov and the doctor of political science, UWED professor Sultanova E.S. were the speakers about on his outstanding peacekeeping activities and ideas about humanism and nonviolence.
In Tashkent was organised the ceremony of imposing flowers to the famous Shastri Memorial, in which were participated Masud Mannan and Chander Shekhar the director of the Lal Bahudra Shastri Indian сultural centre. Also widely noted the date of demise the great son of Indian nation, ex-Prime Minister of India Lal Bahudra Shastri. Uzbekistan strongly supports not only economic and political but also extensive cultural ties with India. In conclusion of the commemoration, the proffesor Chander Shekhar expressed thanks to all present guests for participation in events to honor of the famous personalities of India.