11.08.2020 2683

A 1st-year student of the faculty of "International relations" Djamalov Fazliddin Oybekovich in collaboration with the doctor of political science, Professor Sultanova E. S. published a collection dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of a prominent statesman Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

Humanity knows many examples when a person, by self-renouncing, gave his life to the cause of peace and creation. If you look into antiquity, it is above all the greatest philosopher Socrates, the Renaissance in the East is "the second teacher after Aristotle" — encyclopaedist Abu Nasr Farabi, and in the twentieth century is "the father of the nation," personality, political and public figure of India — Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or better known as Mahatma Gandhi, was the 150th anniversary of which we celebrate this year.

The collection presents 9 most popular aspects of the life and work of Mahatma Gandhi. This collection also includes the results of events in UWED, which held jointly with the Indian cultural center of Lal Bakhadur Shastri, The Center for Public Diplomacy of the SCO and the University of Oriental Studies. The collection is available in Russian and English. You can view the book by clicking on the following link https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DG14W8X  or https://ridero.ru/books/naidi_cel_resursy_naidutsya.