Scientific-practical seminar devoted to 25-year of anniversary of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held at the UWED
04.10.2016 31729
On September 29, at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy was held scientific-practical seminar devoted to 25th anniversary of independence of Uzbekistan, in the framework of plans of the State program "Year of healthy mother and child"” on the theme "The role of women in sustainable development", which was attended by representatives of the leading universities of Tashkent city. They made a speech on subsequent themes: Sultanova E’tibor Sidikovna - Protection of the interests of women and children - strategic task of independent Uzbekistan; Inamdjanova Gulnora Soatalievna - The legal framework to ensure the education of a healthy mother and child; Tashpulatova Laylo Maratovna - The role of UN in ensuring the rights of women and girls; Yunuskhodjaeva Mubarak Yuldashevna - The image of Uzbek women in historical perspective; Djuraeva Nilufar Dalibaevna - the Role of Higher Education in the preparation of girl students to family life; Abdukadirova Lola Kabulovna - The role of a healthy lifestyle in the education of medical youth culture; Shakirdjanova Klara Tashkenbaevna - The Role of Physical Education and Sports to ensure a peaceful open society for sustainable development.
At the end of the conference were formulated conclusions and proposals for the further dissemination of scientific and practical information of this seminar in the educational process of the higher education system.