“Round-table” on the topic “Opportunities for the professional development of modern women in Uzbekistan”, organized by the department of “Economic Theory”
09.03.2020 4308
On March 5, 2020, the Department of “Economic Theory” of the Faculty of International Economics and Management organized a round table on the topic “Opportunities for the Professional Development of Modern Women of Uzbekistan”, dedicated to International Women's Day on March 8. The guest of the meeting was a graduate of the UWED, the faculty of International Economic Relations, Dariya Nabisheva, Communications and External Relations Officer at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
The event was attended by the head of the department of "Economic Theory" L.M. Tashpulatova, Associate Professor R.A. Juraeva, senior lecturer K.Sh. Maraimova, professor’s assistant S.Kh. Kushbakova and students of the faculty of IEM.
During the lecture, Dariya Nabisheva talked about how to start professional activity after graduation, how pre-diploma practice and volunteering can help determine students future profession, and also gave practical advice to those wishing to connect their future with work in international organizations, in particular at the UN.
“Every student, and any person, has at least three things in her/his pocket which can make her/him successful. These are NETWORK, INTERNET & FAMILY. These three are more important for youth and for some reason are least visible and underestimated. Any person, ANY, will be able to succeed having these three...Keep your network healthy, especially from college, benefit from digital world, and give thanks for your family (sometimes your friends is your family, this is totally okay), and go FORWARD!” The topic aroused great interest among students and especially girls who saw a good example of the career growth of an Uzbek woman.
In conclusion, an exchange of views took place, during which students received answers to their questions, expressed their thanks to the organizers for holding the round table. The high appreciation was given to the meaningful side of the event.