A national charity hashar was organized at the UWED
21.08.2016 35386
20-21 August 2016, in order to prepare for the worthy celebration dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Uzbekistan's independence, further deepening the national charity and unity among the values of our nation, the tasks stipulated in the State program "Year of a healthy mother and child", further improvement of the noble quality in the provision of grant aid and reciprocity, at the University of world economy and diplomacy was a national charity hashar.
During the charity hashar were carried out improvement works and landscaping, have been cleaned and re-reconstructed ditches adjacent to the campus and around its perimeter, dug and softened the local fertilizer land for flower beds and trees, reconstructed and renovated walkways, information signs to buildings renovated, cleaned and put in order the surrounding area to the buildings.
The charity hashar actively participated faculty, staff and students of the university.