04.01.2020 6422

At the Berdakh Karakalpak State University, associate professor Zlikha Kdyrbaevna Orazymbetova defended her dissertation for the degree of  Doctor of Philology (DSc) on the topic “Stylistic Features of the Language of the Karakalpak Periodical Press”. The official opponent was the doctor of philological sciences, professor of the department of "Social-political sciences" of the UWED F. I. Muminova. Members of the specialized scientific Council and other scientists, prominent public figures noted the importance of the work of the researcher, the need to preserve the richness and culture of the national language in the context of globalization and the growth of the information flow.

There are 15 faculties in Karakalpak State University, extensive international scientific relations are established, well-known scientists, specialists from leading universities of Uzbekistan, Central Asia and the world are constantly invited here. Nukus is a center of culture and education, there are many higher and secondary educational institutions, museums, cinemas, bookstores, cultural centers, parks and places of recreation.   In its halls one can get acquainted with unique exhibits testifying both to animals, birds, the nature of this region, as well as to distinctive life, rich craftsmanship, applied and artistic art of the Karakalpak people. Thanks to the initiative of Associate Professor of the Faculty of Philology of KSU Zieda Kozhikbaeva, our acquaintance with this museum took place.

Fatima Muminova, Professor of UWED