Training courses for 237 listeners have been held at the Institute of Management
26.06.2016 37188
Training courses for 237 listeners have been held at the Institute of Management
From January to June, 2016 representatives of different ministries and organizations accounting for 237 people were trained. Among ministries and organizations: Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of strategic and inter-regional research under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbe3kistan, “Electronic Government” system development center, joint-stock company “Uztransgaz”, national holding “O'zbekneftegaz”, State committee on geology and mineral resources, state stock company ,”O'zkimyosanoat”, stock company “Toshshahartransxizmat”, publishing and information agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Most of the participants were managers of organizations and companies: Heads of sections, departments and etc.
They were involved in spiritual and educational works: meetings with well-known experts, visits to museums, theatres and other cultural venues.
Upon completion of courses, participants were honored with state certificates.