Grants and invitations

Краткосрочные учебные курсы Малазийской программы технического сотрудничества

По информации Посольства Малайзии в Ташкенте, Министерством иностранных дел Малайзии принято решение перенести проведение краткосрочных учебных курсов Малазийской программы технического сотрудничества (MПTC) на вторую половину 2020г.

Hokkaido University invites

We would like to inform you that our faculty has successfully obtained one allotment of 2020 MEXT scholarship that can be provided exclusively for UWED.

Обучение в Канаде

Согласно информации МВССО РУз объявлена Программа стипендий на 2020-2021 учебный год для обучения в вузах Канады по различным направлениям образования сроком до 2-х лет.

Grants of Malaysia

We inform you about the application for participation in the short-term training course “Enhancing Learning through Scientific Inquiry in a Technology Enhanced Environment”, organized by the Regional Center for Education in Science and Mathematics in Science and Mathematics) as part of the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Program (MTSD).

Training courses in Japan

A set of candidates has been announced for participation in the Japanese language for diplomats (language training courses), organized by the Japanese Foundation with the assistance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of this country from September 24, 2020. until May 21, 2021.

Master programs Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)

In accordance with the request of the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), information is provided on the beginning of the next annual application for participation in long-term master's programs organized by KOICA in conjunction with State Universities of the Republic of Korea.

Grants of the Republic of Turkey

The Turkish government has announced a grant program for 2020-2021 that provides scholarships and research opportunities to foreign students and researchers at Turkish universities.