18.02.2020 10317

The Turkish government has announced a grant program for 2020-2021 that provides scholarships and research opportunities to foreign students and researchers at Turkish universities.

These scholarships are designed for undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and postgraduate studies, provide university accommodation, a 1-year Turkish language course, medical insurance, a one-time ticket, a scholarship, studies, cultural and scientific programs and a hostel. etc.

The scholarship is 800 TL (TL) per month for undergraduate students, 1100 TL for graduate students, 1600 TD for doctoral students, 3000 TL for researchers and 2000 TL for government officials and researchers in Turkey.

Scholarships are limited to monthly scholarships. The Turkish Communication Program (KAT1R) grant includes monthly scholarships, hostels, airline tickets, cultural and social events.

The Turkish Grants Program is available online at www.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr

Age restrictions of this competition are available on the site.

Application deadlines are available on the application calendar page on the Turkish Grants Program website.

(unofficial translation from Russian)