An analysis of appeals received by UWED

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In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan " On appeals of individuals and legal entities» № ZRU - 378 from 03.12.2014:

Appeals of individuals might be received in: oral, written or electronic forms.

Appeals received on the "Hotline" of the University are considered as oral applications.

Appeals received to the official e-mail address of the University, along with The Single Portal of Interactive Government Services of the Republic of Uzbekistan (government portal), is recorded in the form of electronic applications.

Acceptance, registration and direction of calls for consideration, as well as control over their implementation are carried out by the Chancellery

Registered appeal submitted for consideration no later than one working day from the date of receipt.

Applications that do not belong to the jurisdiction of UWED directed the relevant authorities with a message about this to the applicant in writing or electronically.

Result of consideration of the application is reported in writing or electronically.

The response message is presented in the same with accept language.

Applications and complaints are considered within 15 days from the date of the appeal, unless might request a further information or evidence. If required further evidence, the appeal can be seen within one month of receipt.