Department: Practical diplomacy

Position: Lecturers


Annotation of occupation

In 2009 graduated with honours the faculty of International Relations, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. In 2014 obtained the degree Master of Arts in International Economic Development and Cooperation from Kyung Hee University.  Since 2009 employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Since 2014 lecturer at the Chair of Practical Diplomacy, the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. During the occupation at the Chair has been teaching the students of IR, IL, and IER.

Spheres of Academic Interest: Foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, theories of foreign policy and international relations, soft power, public diplomacy, world economy.

Taught courses: Foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Modern diplomacy, International protocol and etiquette, Diplomatic and consular service, Economic Diplomacy, History of Diplomacy.


  1. «The Impact of Regional Security in Central Asia on China’s National Security», presented at the conference “Regional Security in Central Asia”, November, 2014.
  2. «A Dutch 3D Approach in Uruzgan», «Public Diplomacy» magazine, issue Summer, USA, California.2015.
  3. «Public Diplomacy: A Chronological Approach to Reappraise South Korea’s Case», The Korean Journal of International Studies (forthcoming)