Department: Chair socially-humanities

Position: Senior Lecturers


Annotation of activities:

Graduated from the the history department of the Tashkent State University on specialty "historian. Teacher of history and social science. "In 1999 graduated from graduate school of the Faculty of History of the National University of Uzbekistan and in the same year defended PhD thesis.

Worked at the National University of Uzbekistan, the Uzbek Center of modern history at the Academy of State and Social Construction under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, pharmaceutical and medical and Tax Academy. Held scientific training at the the University of Exeter UK, University of Changzhou South Korea and Russia MSU.

Currently senior lecturer" Social Sciences and Humanities" University of World Economy and Diplomacy.

Research interests:

Intellectual and oral history, innovative methods of teaching history.

Teaching courses:

“The recent history of Uzbekistan. Theory and practice of construction democratic society in Uzbekistan”. “Foundations of Spirituality and Religion”.

Main publications:

  • Ўзбекистон тарихи (дарслик, лотин имлосида). .:   Т.,“”Университет” 2005, 535 б.
  • Жаҳонда ҳисоблаш техникасининг ривожланиш тарихидан: абакдан компьютергача// ЎзМУ хабарлари, 2008 йил, №2, 155-158 бетлар
  • Хоразмийдан Интернетгача: алгоритмнинг жаҳон ҳисоблаш техникаси ва ахборот технологиялари тарихидаги ўрни // Ўзбекистон тарихи журнали, 2010. № 1. -Б.37-45.
  • “Case-study –как инновационный образовательный  метод» //”Наука, просвещение и культура в системе непрерывного образования: проблемы и решения по реализации государственной программы «Год внимания и заботы о старшем поколении» Материалы научно-практической конференции. Т.. 2015,  157-161 бб.