Department: Chair socially-humanities

Position: Professors


Annotation of activities:

In 1973 graduated from the Tashkent State University on a specialty "Philology", the expert of the Russian language and literature. Worked in high school (1973-1979), at the same time she studied and graduated absentia postgraduate at the department of "Social and Humanities" Tashkent State University.

Successfully defended PhD thesis in 1982, received the title of "candidate of philosophical sciences". Worked at the Tashkent Institute of  Railway Transport at first as an assistant, then associate professor Department of Social Sciences (1980-1992). Awarded the title of associate professor in 1986.

In 1993 was invited on the recommendation of the Office of the President to work which opened for the first time in Central Asia - University of World Economy and Diplomacy Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, where still working now.

Worked at the beginning head of the department "Marketing" Management Institute of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, and then assistant professor of "political science, international relations," until 1999. Then, from 1999 to 2005 he was head of the department "Foreign policy and diplomacy." 2005 to 2006 was a doctorate, and in 2006 she defended her doctoral thesis, receiving a "Doctor of Political Science."

Since 2007 Professor of the Department "Social and Human Sciences" of the University. Teaching bachelors, masters, doctoral, and supervises final works, master's and doctoral theses. Has over 60 scientific papers, including 3 monographs, manuals and scientific articles. During the period of at the university was a member of methodical and seminars, and the Specialized Scientific Council, a member of HES at UWED, National University of Uzbekistan, Institute of Oriental Studies, a member of the Expert Committee HAC. Currently  a member of the Editorial Board, "International relations", member of the commission HES at UWED Specialized Council, a member of the City Commission for awarding the State Prize Zulfiya. Since 1998 is the Chairman of the Women's Committee at UWED, presidium member of the Republican Association of Women Scientists "Olimа", deputy chairman of the Association of Women Scientists "Olima" in Tashkent.

Research interests:

international relations, diplomacy, methods of teaching social sciences and humanities.

Teaching courses:

Methodology of scientific work, the ideology of national independence, the theory of building a democratic society.

Main publications:

  1. Средний класс как основа,гарант и опора формирующегося гражданского общества. Ж.Фуқаролик жамияти.Т., 2011 №3. с.с. 58- 64
  2. Конституция гарант укрепления статуса женщин, детей и молодёжи вУзбекистане.  Сборник МГУ. Материалы научно -практической конференции "Конституция Республики Узбекистан-Образование и воспитание  молодёжи. Т.,2014.,с.с.267 -277;
  3. Учебно-методические рекомендации по прохождению практики в НИМФОГО.  Методическое указание. Т.,2014, УМЭД
  4. Политический маркетинг - важнейший вид политической технологии: теория и практика. Сборник МГУ. Наука, просвещение и культура в системе непрерывного образования: проблемы и решения по реализации Государственной Программы "Год внимания и заботы о старшем поколении". Материалы научно- практической конференции. Т., 2015, с.168-  177