Department: Chair socially-humanities

Position: Docents


Annotation of activities:

Graduated from the Physics Department of the Tashkent State University of named after Lenin in 1976. In 1989 defended thesis on the topic: "Category form and its methodological significance." In 1993 he received the title of associate professor.

In 2014 hired at the UWED, to the post of associate professor.

Currently assistant professor of "Social and Humanities" at UWED.

Research interests:

The methodology of scientific research.

Teaching courses:

Philosophy, ethics and aesthetics, a research methodology.

Main publications:

  • «Учебник «Основы философии». – Т.: Изд-во Мехнат, 2004..
  • «Фалсафа» - Т.: Общ. Философ. Узб., 2006.
  • «Методология научного творчества» Учебное пособие. – Т., 2004.
  • «Очерки когнитивных практик». – Т., 2013.