Department: Chair socially-humanities

Position: Head of Department


Annotation of activities:

Graduated from the Faculty of History of the National University of Uzbekistan named after MirzoUlugbek, "History of political parties and movements in Turkestan" qualification: historian, teacher of history.After graduation, enrolled in graduate school to interdepartmental chair of History of Uzbekistan. In 2000 she defended her thesis on "The history of municipal government in Turkestan (1877-1918)". In 2007 began working at UWED as a senior lecturer at the Department of "Social sciences and Humanities", where still working now. During his time at university he worked with students of 1-2 courses of all faculties.

Currently head of the department "Social and Humanities".

Research interests:

The spiritual rebirth and national identity in the international political continuum.

Teaching courses:

The recent history of Uzbekistan.Theory and practice of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan.Fundamentals of spirituality and Religion.

Main publications:

  1. «Основы духовности. – Учебное пособие. – Т.:УМЭД, 2008.
  2. «Духовный аспект в модернизации гражданского общества (на примере политических партий)» Монография. – Т.:УМЭД, 2012.
  3. «Духовное возрождение и национальное самосознание в международном политическом континууме (на примере стран Центральной Азии)». Монография. – Т.: УМЭД, 2013.
  4. «Новейшая история Узбекистана. Учебное пособие. (соавторство) – Т.: УМЭД, 2014.
  5. «Очерки новейшей истории Узбекистана». Монография (соавторство) – Т.:«Адабиётучкунлари», 2015.
  6. Central Asia: Common Historical and Cultural Roots. Монография. (соавторство) - Insights and Commentaries South and Central Asia. Published in India. New Delhi 2015.