Department: International Private Law and Civil Law Disciplines

Position: Docents


Annotation of activities:

In 1975 graduated law faculty of Tashkent State University (at present National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek). After the graduation of university worked in youth organizations. He was the head of the Bureau of International Youth Tourism «Sputnik». In 80’s started working in prosecutor’s office of Uzbekistan. He was one of the founders of the Republican qualification courses for prosecutors and investigators. He led the Personnel Department of the republican Prosecutor's Office. In the late 80s he was appointed prosecutor of the city in Tashkent region, then became prosecutor of Bektemir district in Tashkent city. In the early 90s he joined the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, headed the Department of Scientific personnel. He carried out researches as a seeker in the Institute of Philosophy and Law under the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 1993 he received an invitation to continue the research and teaching activities in the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, where he headed the Center on Legal Studies. In 1997 he defended dissertation on International Trade Law. In the same year he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws by the Higher Certificate Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Along with being advocate, he carried out scientific and pedagogical practice. He advised a number of international organizations, representatives of international corporations and multinational companies (on legal matters) : Alstom (France), Tetra Pak (Sweden), Ericsson (Sweden), Svedala (Sweden). From 1994 to 1997 he was a member of international working group on the development of a model of the Civil Code of the CIS countries. In 2000 he founded the Legal Clinic under the University, which has been successfully functioning so far. Free legal assistance is being provided to low-income citizens with the efforts of senior students of the faculty of "International law".  In the early 2000s, he actively participated in the creation of the Liberal Democratic Party, entered the Political Council and was elected as a member of the executive committee. In 2004 he was elected deputy of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan. At the session of the Legislative Chamber, he was elected a member of the Committee on International and Interparliamentary Relations. Since 2005, he was appointed as the National Coordinator of the UNDP and the Legislative Chamber program "Development of legal and institutional basis." He took part in the activities of the inter-parliamentary forums, conferences, scientific seminars and round-tables in Italy, Germany, France, Kuwait, the United States, England, South Africa, Afghanistan and CIS countries. He actively participated in the legislative activities of the Parliament. He is currently carrying out teaching and research activities in the University, as acting Associate Professor of Private International and Civil Law of the Faculty of International Law. He is the head of the Center on Legal Studies and the Legal Clinic.

Spheres of scientific interests: Private international law, international trade law, corporate law, intellectual property law, civil and arbitration process.

Teaching courses: international private law, civil law, civil and economic procedure law (the Legal Clinic).

Main publications: He is an author of 4 textbooks and several scientific articles.