Department: International trade and investments

Position: Docents


Information about the activity:
Gulyamova Gulshakhnoz Sabirovna was born in 1963 in Tashkent city.
In 1986, she received a degree in engineering and economics at the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute named after A.R.Beruni. She began her career at the enterprise “Uzbekselmash” an economist, then a senior instructor at the Institute of Advanced Studies at the Tashkent Pedagogical Institute. At the end of 1991, she defended her PhD thesis at the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.
During 1992-1994, she was a senior researcher at the Research Institute of Finance and Prices under the Ministry of Finance of Uzbekistan
Since 1994, he has been teaching at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. From 2007 to 2015, she held the position of Head of Department the International Trade and Investments. Since 2015, he is an associated professor of the department the International Finance and Investments.
She is a consultant for business planning in the international grant "Technical Innovation 2016/17/18" (UNDP Project "Public Administration Reform and Digital Transformation").

Research areas: foreign economic activity, public finance, ASEAN economy, world commodity markets.

Courses taught: Finance, International Trade, Pricing and World Market Situations, Foreign Economic Activity