The University provides preparation for the Masters programs aimed at scientific research and scientific-pedagogical activity on the basis of proposals of  government agencies, organizations, institutions and businesses.

Training of masters is carried out in 5 areas:

  • 5A240105 - International law;
  • 5A240106 – Diplomatic and consular law;
  • 5A231102 - External economic activity;
  • 5A231101- World Economy (by region);
  • 5A120701 - International relations.

5A240105 - International law.

It provides training on the following issues:

  • International legal relations between subjects of international law;
  • The process of creating norms of international law and sources of international law;
  • The ratio of international and national law;
  • The basic principles of international law;
  • Law of Treaties;
  • International legal responsibility;
  • International security law;
  • International human rights law;
  • International space, air, and maritime law;
  • Environmental law;
  • Peaceful settlement of disputes;
  • International humanitarian law;
  • International Economic Law;

Students enrolled in this specialty are taught the following subjects: 

  • Topical issues of international law;
  • Law of Treaties;
  • International security law;
  •  Rules of international organizations;
  • International human rights law;

5A240106 - Diplomatic and Consular Law

It provides training on the following issues:

  • Diplomatic law;
  • Codification of diplomatic law;
  • The system of external relations;
  • Diplomatic missions;
  • The diplomatic immunities and privileges;
  • Diplomatic law of international organizations;
  • Consular law;
  • The establishment of consular relations;
  • Right of special missions;
  • Diplomacy and Protocol;
  • Diplomatic  protocol;
  • Consular Service;
  • Members of diplomatic and consular offices;
  • The legal status of buildings and property;

Students enrolled in this specialty are taught the following subjects:

  • Topical issues of international law;
  • Law of Treaties;
  • Diplomatic law;
  • Consular law;
  • Economic diplomacy and security.

5A120701- International relations and foreign policy

It provides training on the following issues:

  • The foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan States, operating in international field;
  • Social, economic and political forces;
  • International relations and alliances;
  • Diplomatic and consular relations;
  • Representation in international organizations;
  • Analytical activity;
  • Public administration;
  • The activities of NGOs.

Students enrolled in this specialty are taught the following subjects:

  • Interests of Uzbekistan in the international system;
  • Regional aspects of contemporary international relations;
  • The analysis of literature on the main foreign language;
  • History of political and legal doctrines;
  • Political processes in Western Europe.

5A231101- World economy

Provides training on the following issues:

  • World economy and all spheres of foreign activities;
  • The activities of international economic organizations;
  • Regional economy arubezhnyh countries;
  • Innovation;
  • The system of the world economy;
  • TNK, associations, companies, associations;

Students enrolled in this specialty are taught the following subjects:

  • Regions of the world economy;
  • An innovative economy;
  • Free economic zones;
  • Economic diplomacy and security;
  • World economic system.

 5A231102 - External activities

It provides training on the following issues:

  • The impact of the processes occurring in the world economy and international economic relations, socio-economical development of the country;
  • It provides training for public and private organizations, institutions and enterprises with different forms of ownership.

Students enrolled in this specialty are taught the following subjects:

  • An innovative economy;
  • Investment risks;
  • Foreign investment;
  • Analysis of foreign economic activity and audit activities;
  • Simulation of foreign trade processes.

Masters UWED  can work in government agencies, MFA, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Economy and Investments, the Interior Ministry, the General Prosecutor's Office, the courts, the National Center for Human Rights, the Institute for Monitoring Current Legislation, investment companies, corporations, , international and non-governmental organizations as  well as  research institutions.