Cooperation with foreign educational institutions

From 1992 to the present day, the University has signed more than 44 international legal documents with more than 23 universities from 18 countries. Now UWED has 44 documents on cooperation, particularly, with several international organizations (UNESCO, UNDP, KOICA) and foreign companies such as "Zarubezhneftegaz" (OAO "Gazprom", Russia), POSCO Engineering Construction Co. Ltd (South Korea).

Along with well-known European and Asian universities, among the partner universities can be distinguished Institute of International Relations of the National University of La Plata (Argentina) - Cooperation Treaty (December 18, 2014). Currently, negotiations are under way to establish cooperation with several universities such as the University of Hokkaido (Japan), Kookmin University (South Korea), etc.

As a result of 2016, within the framework of the above-mentioned documents, 30 university students had the opportunity to study at partner universities through academic exchange (Tsukuba-3 University, Hokkaido University-3, Ajou University-14, Nagoya-1 University, Castilla-La Mancha University-5, Yas State University named after AI Kuzy - 1, Lund University - 3).

Cooperation with foreign embassies in Tashkent and other international organizations

It is a good  tradition to hold lectures and speeches of heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations, international conferences and round tables with their participations at the university. Various cultural events (days of national culture, concerts of foreign performers, and the days of foreign languages) are regularly organized at the University of with the assistance of the diplomatic corps accredited in Tashkent.

Cooperation with research institutions

The teaching staff regularly improve their professional skills through participation in various trainings, seminars, courses of foreign scientific and educational (CASS, Shami, SASS) and socio-humanitarian agencies (ITEC, Mashav, DAAD, MTCP et al.).

The University has continuously been participating in the international scientific and educational projects such as Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, Jean Monnet, JDS, KOICA projects and UNDP.