02.07.2019        11784

Teachers, curators and employees of the department of spirituality of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy constantly organize meetings, conversations and discussion of urgent issues with students living in the Student's House. During the school year, in the framework of the program of organizational and educational work, there were organized evenings, creative meetings with famous cultural figures, contests of foreign language connoisseurs and other events.

The discussion about the culture of communication, life and proper use of free time was one of the last in the final academic year. It was attended by students of faculties of international relations international law. They expressed their views and suggestions on the causes of nervousness or inadequate behavior of young people.

A student, Bibinaz Matekeeva, for example, noted that playing sports, participating in competitions significantly influences her positive activity, makes rational distribution of her time. In general, there were many interesting ways to properly distribute their affairs, performing tasks.

The organizers of this meeting-discussion were representatives of the Department of Social and Political Sciences at UWED Professor Fatima Izatullaevna and Teacher- Lecturer Nilufar Kholakbarovna Mannanova responded to many questions from the audience and explained the meaning of the concept of “active life position”.